There are a variety of remedies you can use to keep yourself healthy and avoid getting sick during cold and flu season or anytime for that matter (I also use when traveling). If you happen to get sick, these should help you heal faster and minimize the symptoms. Experimenting is encouraged to determine what works best for you. Each year I change up my routine to make it even better and it works! Below are some remedies I use to create and maintain health and strengthen my immune system.

  • Essential Oils – My go to’s when I feel anything coming on are Oregano Oil and On Guard – Oregeno dilute 1-2 drops with 8oz water and drink morning and night. It does’t have the best taste, but this is the king immune system supporter and acts as a natural antibiotic. My life has changed for the better since discovering this. On Guard – rub on your feet at night with coconut oil and take internally. I take 1-2 drops morning and night with oregeno oil.
  • Sleep and rest – an adequate amount of sleep is imperative for our health any time, but especially if you are feeling a bug coming on. I have slept off sickness before – when I started feeling a little icky, I’ve gone to sleep for longer than usual and woke up feeling 100%. If you are sick, sleep and rest will help you heal quicker.
  • Lemon – lemons are high in antioxidants and vitamin C. Drink lemon water (hot is great) throughout the day to boost your immune system.
  • Vitamin D3 – I take 3000IU daily during cold/flu season to help protect the immune system.
  • Dark leafy greens – eat leafy greens such as kale
  • Ginger – natural anti-inflammatory remedy that helps the body stay healthy. This can be added to smoothies or made into a tea
  • Garlic – white vegetables such as garlic and onions also act as a natural antibiotic. I’ve been known to each raw garlic cloves on tortilla chips when I feel something coming on. It works!
  • Herbal tea – lemon ginger is always good and I like a nice hibiscus tea that helps nurse us back to health
  • Wash your hands. When in public, do not touch your face after touching things that others touch. Wash your hands with warm water and soap after touching anything. Germs can easily spread if not cautious.
  • Eat healthy – be aware of what you are putting into your body. You are what you eat. When sick, junk foods will only keep you sick. Healthy foods will create health and wellness.
  • Detox bath – soak in a hot bath with epsom salt. I like to add essential oils such as eucalyptus, lavendar and even ginger. The ginger can make you sweat (it feels like you are sweating it out!). Make sure to wash off after your bath to remove the excess toxins.

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