Simply adding flavor to water for hydration is a good way to get yourself easily prepared to fill your water bottles and going for this busy and active spring season is to infused water.

Some suggestions for combining fruits and herbs, veggies are another good option to add to a gallon of water to refrigerate.

Mango, mint, or ginger

Mint or basil , peaches 


Blueberries, lemon, mint

 Is blueberry and lemon a good combination? Lemon will provide you with vitamin C, and blueberries are packed with antioxidants. Both are great additions to your diet!

If you eat blueberries daily, they help reduce chronic disease risk, improve cholesterol levels, and heart health, reduce high blood pressure, and provide other benefits. 

Remember it is up to you to maintain a good self-care regiment mental health matters, hydration and being prepared is a great self-care practice. Coffee and tea also count as part of hydration in your daily hydration.

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