Welcome to the end of another calendar year. As we prepare to transition into 2024, I wanted to leave you with my thoughts on the importance of rest in the Wintertime. Last Winter I offered an 8 week seasonal journey that was themed “Rest & Renew”. Our focus was self-care, seasonal eating and intentional living as we journeyed through the Winter season. Each participant enjoyed the weekly check-ins, recipes, reminders, support and community that we shared, and thoroughly enjoyed their rest time, which is something many people do not prioritize.
Each season offers different opportunities for us to care for ourselves with self-care, food and nutrition. When we pay attention to and flow with the rhythms of nature, our bodies tend to function more optimally. When we embrace the Winter season and the opportunities it offers, we can benefit physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
The Winter season began on the Solstice on December 21st and will last through Tuesday, March 19th in the Northern Hemisphere when the Spring Equinox occurs. Oftentimes we are expected to set goals, make resolutions or a to-do list when January rolls around. To me, Springtime is a better time to do this since Spring symbolizes rebirth, a fresh start, and we welcome more energizing foods and activities into our lives. When we look to nature, trees and plants are more dormant in the Wintertime, animals are less active and some hibernate. This shows us that Winter (especially after a busy holiday season) is a great time for slowing down, quiet, rest, peace, warmth, solitude, warming foods, and turning inward so that we can renew ourselves and be able to fully embrace the Spring season when it arrives. Taking a step back from the business of life, incorporating rest into your routine and taking things off your plate can prevent burnout, reduce stress and anxiety, support the immune system and other systems in the body.
5 Winter Self-Care Tips
- Enjoy warming foods & drinks to nourish the body from the inside out. tea, coffee, hot chocolate, soups and stews, etc.
- Create a cozy corner in your home and use it for quiet time, reading, meditation, prayer, journaling, coffee/tea, etc. Stock with a blanket, basket of books, journal & pen, candle or oil diffuser, lamp, pillows, plant, and/or a photo in a frame that brings you joy. When your cozy corner is set up, it can be a place you go to welcome peace, warmth, joy or anything that nourishes you.
- Invite warmth into the home with extra lamps for winter, string lights, candles, battery operated candles that create a nice ambiance, oil diffuser with Winter scents like clove, cinnamon, sandalwood, ginger, cedarwood, douglas fir. In the room where I have my cozy corner, I draped white string lights around the room which created a nice ambiance while adding light & warmth to the space.
- Spend a few minutes each day in stillness. This may look like gazing at nature (snowfall, trees, birds), meditating, a breathing practice, sitting in your cozy corner or doing anything where you can be quiet and still. This not only connects us with ourselves, but with the rhythm of nature, and nourishes the mind, body and spirit.
- Get outside. Just because it’s cold out doesn’t mean we are meant to stay indoors all day. Spending time outside while dressed appropriately can build immunity, boost mood, improve sleep and focus and feel invigorating. This can be even more beneficial if the sun is shining. Take a walk, step outside for some deep breaths or sit outside for a bit and then notice the benefits.
- Cook with warming spices & herbs during Winter to warm the body from the inside out. Some also support circulation, the immune system & the heart. Warming spices & herbs include cinnamon, cumin, crushed red pepper flakes, black peppercorns, ginger, turmeric, garlic, nutmeg, cloves, coriander, cayenne pepper, mustard seeds & mustard greens. Spicy foods also have a way of warming the body.
- Get enough quality sleep. Sleep is crucial to our overall health & wellbeing & may be the greatest form of rest. It supports the immune system, allows the body to optimally function, & supports focus, concentration, energy & mood. Most people need between 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Winter is a great time to prioritize sleep & maybe sleep more than during other seasons since the days are colder & darker. If you have trouble getting quality sleep, email me at [email protected] & we can chat to see if I can support you in getting your sleep back on track.
- Say No. How we choose to spend the 1,440 minutes we have each day can impact us on a physical, mental, emotional & spiritual level affecting our overall health, well-being & happiness. It isn’t always easy, & saying no can be a lifelong practice that gets easier & more satisfying the more it is executed. When you are presented with an invitation, before making a decision, decide if committing will be in alignment with your current season of life, your health & if it will bring you joy or have the opposite effect. Sometimes we make commitments that end up being stressful, overwhelming or draining. If we align our choices with what is meaningful to us, we have the ability to move through each season experiencing more joy while noticing the simple joys more. As a people pleaser, I have been practicing this for years & 2023 was the most satisfying yet. It feels good to say YES to myself.
- Take Breaks. Schedule time for breaks and take breaks throughout your day. It can be helpful to schedule breaks into your calendar to help hold yourself accountable. Taking at least a 15 minute break in the morning & afternoon in addition to taking a lunch break tends to be reasonable & effective for most people. Scientific studies support the fact that taking frequent breaks supports creativity & learning.
- Connect with Nature to calm the mind & nourish the body & spirit. Spend time outdoors, admire the sky, the sunrise or sunset, the moon & the stars, watch birds or other animals, sit or walk by a body of water whether it be a lake, river, pond or stream, stand or sit next to a big tree, spend time in a quiet place, take in the sights & sounds of nature, or go on a Winter hike.
- Remember that self-care isn’t selfish and that rest is necessary to live a balanced and healthy life. Self-care not only benefits us, but it benefits our family, friends, people close to us, coworkers & community. When we nourish our body, mind, spirit, we are able to function more optimally & happily and we show up better in the world. We can create a ripple effect that will spread out into the world and help make the world a better place. Wishing you peace, warmth and rest as you journey into 2024.